Meetings, Events and Activities
Bartholomew Co. R/C Fliers Club Meetings
Our monthly club meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of every month. Currently, we are meeting at the Bakalar Air Museum at the Columbus Municipal Airport. Contact any officer for info.
We do not meet in November or December. Our January meeting is our Holiday Club Member and Guest Pitch-In. For more meeting info see Meeting Minutes under the events and activities drop down above.
Indoor Flying
For the 2022-23 Winter season, Indoor Flying is again FREE for any AMA member. We fly in the St. Peter's Lutheran Church's Den from 2:00 to 4:00 PM, on The following Sundays:
November 12 & 26
December 31
January 14 & 28
February 11 & 25
March 10 & 24
The Den is located at 5th and California (see Google Map bellow for directions)
You must enter through door #1, which faces 5th street.
Video of Indoor flying on 2-7-2021
Club Events
New Year's Day ​Freeze Fly
It's a tradition of almost every club. We come out on New Year's Day to fly, no matter the weather. In central Indiana, sometimes there is no snow, sometimes more than a foot. However, it is hardly ever warm.
Hot coffee and doughnuts are staples.

Scout Troop Model Aviation Day
We are hosting a buddy-box R/C flying school for local Scout Troop 557 & 1557. Scouts & families will be given the chance to learn about model aviation as a hobby, participate in a ground school to learn how R/C airplanes work, and gain real flying experience with help from our Introductory Pilot Program mentors.
Earth Day 2022

Earth Day was held in April this year. It is held at the Recycling Center on South Mapleton. The Club will be displaying some of our members airplanes, and making egg carton penny gliders.
Click here for Flyer
Joe Grube Memorial Warbird Fly-in

This annual event is dedicated to the memory of the first of our Charter Members to "Go Flying".
Free RC Flight Instruction
Our club participates in the AMA Intro Pilot Program. This means you can have a period of 90 days of flight instruction at no cost to you. In previous years, flight instruction was on Thursday evening. It still is. You can also schedule other times with our Intro Pilot Mentors. When the weather turns bad, we can continue indoors in The Den at St Peter's Lutheran Church.
"No cost" means you do not purchase anything or pay anything.
Current Active Intro Pilot Mentors are:
Rob Weismiller
Chuck Baker
Horizon Hobby Flight School Coach